“Preserving and increasing your money is our task! ”
LegaLawyers Consulting

LegaLawyers Consulting provides professional legal advice

Our specialists will advise you on all matters related to doing international business, registering a company abroad, and will also devote to all the important details of the process that will help you save time and money.

We constantly monitor changes in legislation and always keep our clients informed of current events. Tax planning, accounting, reporting, business migration, choosing a jurisdiction and registering a company – our specialists will gladly guide you on any legal issue.

Our specialists provide assistance in registering a company or buying an existing one in more than 50 different jurisdictions around the world, including such well-known ones as:


Our professionals will help you with all the intricacies of doing international business: from choosing the right jurisdiction to opening a bank account. We provide various types of legal services, providing both turnkey services and special consultations and activities for obtaining licenses and other necessary documents for your company.

LegaLawyers Consulting combines a full set of European standards. Our clients enjoy all the advantages of doing business abroad and always receive up-to-date information.

Choosing the best zone for business
Submission of reports
Obtaining licenses for various types of activities
Tax planning
Help in running a company from scratch
Legal advice
Registration of companies in zones with preferential taxation, offshores
Search for an existing company to buy

Saving and increasing your money is our task!

Successful business abroad is easy! Contact us and get answers to all your questions.

You can be sure our lawyers will contact you as soon as possible and help you choose the best option for your business.

Oleg Venediktov

General counsel of VIP Departament

Also, our company provides licensing services for various types of activities

You can get additional information by phone:
+35725263434 or email: assist@legalawyers.com
