Registration of companies in Luxembourg - S.A.R.L.


from 7490 c.u.

Luxembourg is located in the heart of Western Europe, between Germany, Belgium and France. Member of the EU and many other communities.

The country has a fairly developed economy and deservedly is the world’s financial center. Luxembourg banks hold a large amount of assets of investors from all over the world.

Lawyers in touch

Get a free consultation from leading experts!

Our specialists are always ready to help you and answer any question!

  • We will find out which jurisdiction is most suitable for you, taking into account the objectives of your business
  • We will accompany you through the entire registration process
  • We will share valuable experience
  • If necessary, we will provide services for the maintenance of the company

Why do many businessmen choose Luxembourg as a place to register a company?

From an investment and business point of view, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is usually considered a priority location due to the following factors:

  • advantageous location
  • developed banking structure
  • availability of benefits for foreign investors
  • high quality of life

If you are considering Luxembourg as a place of registration of your company, contact our lawyers and get a free consultation, thanks to which you will learn all the subtleties and pitfalls.

The most developed areas of activity

Luxembourg is an economically developed center located in the very center of Western Europe. The following activities are most developed here:

  • IT and communications
  • financial and banking sector
  • commerce
  • import and export
  • logistics

Types of companies in Luxembourg

Entrepreneurs usually consider 2 types of companies:

Joint Stock Company (S.A.)

  • Minimum 2 participants for registering a company
  • The owner of the company can be both a resident and a non-resident
  • Authorized capital — 31 000 EUR
  • Need to audit and report
  • Meeting of shareholders must be held once a year

Limited Liability Company (S.A.R.L.)

  • Authorized capital not less than 12 500 EUR
  • Both a legal entity and an individual can organize a company
  • Number of partners – from 1 to several
  • Residence status is not important
  • No audit report needed

Taxes and taxation

Companies pay taxes on all income, except for certain categories (capital gains, royalties, etc.).

VAT – 15% (the lowest in the EU).

There are many subtleties in taxation and benefits that you can learn from our lawyers during a free consultation.

Reporting forms

Depending on the form of the company, there is a need to submit annual reports, as well as to conduct audits. It should be noted that a delay in filing any type of reporting is punishable by fines.

To take your business to the next level, contact the professionals! We will help you register a company or acquire an existing legal entity in Luxembourg.