Registration of companies in Switzerland (AG)


from 7875 c.u.

The Swiss Confederation, Switzerland is a sovereign state located between western, central and southern Europe.

Switzerland traditionally attracts investors from all over the world. This is facilitated by a flexible taxation system, legislation, excellent functioning of the financial and banking sector.

It can be noted that the registration of a company itself does not take much time, however, the process itself and the subsequent conduct of business has its own subtleties, which it is better to know about in advance.

Our specialists will help you not only collect the necessary set of documents, but also explain all the details of running a company in Switzerland.

Lawyers in touch

Get a free consultation from leading experts!

Our specialists are always ready to help you and answer any question!

  • We will find out which jurisdiction is most suitable for you, taking into account the objectives of your business
  • We will accompany you through the entire registration process
  • We will share valuable experience
  • If necessary, we will provide services for the maintenance of the company

What is important to know

If you decide to register a company in Switzerland, you need to keep in mind some features of this attractive jurisdiction.

First of all, you should very carefully approach the issue of choosing the type of company and the goals of the future company.

Switzerland consists of 26 cantons. Each canton has its own peculiarities, so it is also necessary to carefully study each canton. So, the most popular are Zug and Zurich.

Contact our lawyers and get a free professional consultation.

Types of companies in Switzerland

Limited liability company

The most common form of ownership.

  • Director – from 1 person, 1 resident of the country
  • There are no citizenship requirements
  • Authorized capital – from 20,000 CHF
  • Auditing is optional, reporting is required

Joint-stock company

  •  Director – from 1 person, 1 resident of the country
  • Authorized capital – from 100,000 CHF
  • Annual reporting required
  • Audit is optional
  • Необходима сдача отчетности

Branch of a foreign company

This type of company is used primarily for business expansion.

  • Reporting required
  • Conducting audit is necessary for companies conducting a certain type of activity
  • There are a number of benefits and tax breaks

If we consider the opening of a branch, the process itself is much simpler than the establishment of a new company: there is no state fee and the level of tax costs is much lower.

There is a possibility of tax exemption if the capital is received in a country with which Switzerland has a double tax treaty.

Business features for non-residents

  • Citizenship of the founder does not matter
  • Need legal support if you do not have a permanent residence in the canton
  • Required legal address for the company

Our specialists will help you open a company in Switzerland and advise on all issues of interest.

If necessary, we also provide full support for the conduct of business activities of the company: from the collection of documents for registration in a particular canton to the submission of annual reports.